Board Management of Nonprofit Organizations

A non-profit’s management is usually a job performed by volunteers who are enthusiastic about the cause. While the work can be rewarding but it’s not always easy. Board management is among the most difficult aspects of the job. Board members can easily get distracted by the bigger picture of their duties and forget the nitty-gritty details that are essential to keep the nonprofit running smoothly. This can manifest in large ways, like decisions about hiring an Executive Director, or in small ones, like making a decision on the price for a special service.

There are plenty of resources to help board members handle their responsibilities effectively. According to the Leading with Intent guide from 2015, some of the most important responsibilities of a board are fundraising, financial oversight as well as community-building and advocacy. It is vital that each member of the board can effectively perform these tasks.

Boards can be organized into various committees to help them organize their tasks and improve overall performance. A committee for fundraising for instance, could be accountable for arranging events as well as managing the donor data base. Another committee could be responsible for recruiting new members and orienting them, as well as conducting performance evaluations for the board. A third committee could concentrate on the internal operations of the board and processes like policy development, while the fourth could focus on governance.

Whatever the structure, all boards should be well-equipped and staffed with tools that make it easier for board members to fulfill their responsibility, and allow for open communication and transparency. Board software, for example, can streamline meeting logistics, and aid in staying on top your responsibilities.

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